Principios, leyes y categoría de la pedagogía


  • Gilson Cabrera Carchi Estudiante de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador. Autor/a
  • Jonathan García Sellan Estudiante de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador. Autor/a
  • Michelle Arizaga Suárez Estudiante de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador. Autor/a



Pedagogy, education, learning, teaching, law, principles, category


The article analyzes the importance of pedagogy as a science for the study of human education and its transformation. Through the application of an observation guide to the Vicente Rocafuerte Educational Unit, it was concluded that pedagogy is the fundamental and indispensable basis for quality education and productivity. The principles mention the way of educating the student, the categories, the way of teaching and the laws, the interaction with the educational environment. It is concluded that teachers should be aware if the form of teaching used is appropriate according to the characteristics of the students; and the administrative staff, as a mediation center, if the planning proposed by the teacher is carried out in an effective manner.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Carchi, G. ., García Sellan, J. ., & Arizaga Suárez, M. . (2019). Principios, leyes y categoría de la pedagogía. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 58-61.