Vinculación con la sociedad, extensión universitaria o tercera misión: ¿cuál es la diferencia?




Link with society, university extension, third mission, university, university professors, students


This article analyzes the use of the categories Bonding with society, university extension or the third mission. These categories can be used interchangeably, depending on the country or region, to refer to extramural relationships that correspond to being developed at the university with the social media. However, in essence, the use of one or more of these categories does not involve a notable degree of differences, with respect to the essence that each one of them means in practice, however, it should not be less certain that, the use In the unified end, there are sometimes confusion regarding the scope of the university's purposes in the community environment in which it is proposed to intervene. Overall, it is necessary to discern what constitutes the common features that characterize each of the three categories that were analyzed during the investigation and, consequently, deepen in a systematized study on their expectations of encounter in university practice. It is also revealed as a result that there is a difference in the areas of influence of each of these categories, which is why it is not just about influencing the transformation of the social environment, but also about the way in which it impacts scientific and scientific development. technological of productive entities or services that, have participation in raising the quality of life of citizens and therefore demand greater cooperation with university centers.


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How to Cite

Luque-Espinoza de los Monteros, M. del P. ., Pupo-Cejas, Y. ., & Alfonso-Moreira, Y. . (2024). Vinculación con la sociedad, extensión universitaria o tercera misión: ¿cuál es la diferencia?. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(2), 42-49.