Theoretical analysis of the SMES competitiveness components
Competitiveness, sustainability, innovation, eco-efficiency, marketing, internationalizationAbstract
The study of competitiveness in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), their components and how they relate to each other to achieve their long-term sustainability, corresponds to the initial phase of a research project to carry out interventions from the university academy in some MYPIMES in Ecuador and thus achieve an impact on their competitiveness and sustainability. In this sense, the article aims to carry out an analysis of the state of the art of the subject through a query in the SCOPUS database. The VOSviewer version 1.6.11 software was used to establish maps and clustering relationships. The result was that the most relevant components of competitiveness are innovation, sustainability and eco-efficiency, knowledge management, performance measurement, market orientation and internationalization; elements that represent the basis and guide for the design of efficient intervention strategies in the short and medium term.
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