Considerations on the practices of formative assessment in primary education. A case study




Learning assessment practices, formative assessment, assessment culture, learning assessment in primary education


A challenge that has been present in Basic Education, through the years until now, has been how to apply the evaluation of learning, with emphasis on the training dimension, due to the little understanding and limitations around training teacher on these topics. The importance of promoting a culture of evaluation that ensures the development of a systematic, rigorous, reflective and academic decision-making process is emphasized. The study was developed at the “David Livingstone Elementary School, whose objective was to analyze how formative assessment practices are carried out in fifth and sixth grade students; Delimited in two moments, the first considers the theoretical foundations that support the understanding of the concept of evaluation, its different functions and strategies. In the second, the design and application of instruments for the collection and interpretation of the results is based, in correspondence with the questions formulated; which favor decision-making aimed at improvement. The conclusions indicate the importance of systematizing educational practices where feedback processes are privileged, through which self-regulation of learning is promoted, as part of the culture of evaluation.


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How to Cite

Ortega Martínez, S. B., Cáceres Mesa, M. L. ., Moreno Tapia, J. ., Chong Barreiro, M. C. ., & García Robelo, O. . (2021). Considerations on the practices of formative assessment in primary education. A case study. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 113-122.