Marketing Roi in the perspective of business development




Marketing ROI, profitability, strategy, customer


The present work dedicated to the study of the profitability of marketing with perspectives of business development, part of the need to implement an investment management analysis tool that enhances the commercial activity; considering the premise of recognizing the strategic nature and the approach to the client, for which knowledge of the environment plays a decisive role in the dynamics of actors, competitors and consumers. The authors are then led to study the profitability of the process, as an investment, both in its operational and financial base and the instruments used for that purpose and, in turn, to propose the actions that in the methodological order are pertinent to establish for the efficient management of the Marketing ROI.


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How to Cite

Tamayo Saborit, M. ., Traba Ravelo, Y. ., & Mata Varela, M. de la C. . (2024). Marketing Roi in the perspective of business development. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(2), 42-52.