Psychopedagogical training of the teacher, a necessity in the current educational field




Psychopedagogical, teacher training, educational quality


The psychopedagogical training of teachers is essential to improve educational quality, since it allows them to understand the learning and development processes of their students, adapting pedagogical strategies to individual needs. The purpose of this article is to examine the needs of psycho-pedagogical training of teachers who study in the bachelor’s degree in educational sciences at the Metropolitan University. An exploratory study is carried out to determine the psycho-pedagogical domains that contribute to more effective teaching performance and identify the areas of knowledge fundamental to their academic preparation. Although most teachers recognize the relevance of psychopedagogical training, many have only received short courses and workshops, which could limit their ability to implement profound changes in their educational practices. On the other hand, they value and apply psycho-pedagogical principles in their teaching, however, there is a tendency to focus more on solving existing problems, instead of adopting a preventive approach. The above indicates that comprehensive psychopedagogical training is essential so that teachers can respond to current educational demands, contributing to the academic success and personal development of their students.


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