Hugo Zemelman's proposal in the curriculum for basic education in Mexico, 2022




Contemporary dance, dance students, training, skills, abilities, constructivist methodology


The following essay seeks to account for the theoretical construction proposed by the Basic Education Plan with respect to the Training Field, this being the third step through which teachers must go through to build their programs, this has the function of being the social, cultural, political, productive and symbolic space in which the school is part. The proposal is based on various theoretical postulates, so this text will focus on understanding the importance of Hugo Zemelman's concept of Historical Subject and Construction of Reality in the Training Field. Therefore, in the first instance the Basic Education Plan was analyzed, emphasizing the Formative Field proposal based on Hugo Zemelman, in a second instance works by this author were analyzed from two categories of analysis: Historical Subject and Construction of reality.


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Como Citar

López-Pérez, S. ., & Martínez-López, J. P. . (2024). Hugo Zemelman’s proposal in the curriculum for basic education in Mexico, 2022. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 166-171.