Analysis of public policy learns at home and virtual teaching from the opinion of students of Higher Secondary Education




Virtual learning, students, public policy


The new normality in the face of the health emergency has created challenges in teaching where the combination of the traditional environment in the classroom has transitioned to the use of digital platforms, virtual classes promoting virtual education. This research is exploratory, quantitative, inferential and is based on the verification of the provisional theory regarding the performance of teachers at the middle schools in Hidalgo. The statistical model is based on a hypothesis test with the normal curve, using a large sample to determine if Ho: The performance of teachers in virtual classes has a positive impact on student development. A random sample of 123 students was analyzed based on the Likert scale and the results of the hypothesis came out positive; where the level of significance of alpha was 0.05 and the value of P value was 0.318 (p> ∝), making the null hypothesis is justifiable. Therefore, the evidence of the sample is considered sufficient or reliable, making the performance of teachers essential for the research of teaching public policy through “Learn at home” Hidalgo State High School College (COBAEH) case in Hidalgo.


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Como Citar

Ibarra Ramírez, A. A., & Cáceres Mesa, M. L. . (2021). Analysis of public policy learns at home and virtual teaching from the opinion of students of Higher Secondary Education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 4(3), 149-155.