Genially as a didactic strategy for teaching the Kichwa language




Didactics, teaching, Kichwa Language


The document addresses the teaching and preservation of the Kichwa language in a contemporary educational context, where indigenous languages ​​face significant challenges due to the predominance of majority languages ​​and rapid technological evolution. The importance of integrating technological tools, such as Genially, in the teaching of Kichwa is highlighted, since these allow the creation of visual and interactive educational resources that promote dynamic and meaningful learning. However, problems are identified such as the digital divide, the lack of technological infrastructure in rural areas and the need for teacher training in the use of these tools. These limitations perpetuate inequalities in access to educational resources, affecting the quality of education in communities with fewer resources. To address these challenges, strategies are proposed that include investment in infrastructure, specific training for teachers, and the adaptation of digital resources that work without an internet connection. Collaboration with native speakers and indigenous education experts is crucial to developing content that respects and reflects Kichwa culture. In conclusion, the integration of technology must complement traditional teaching practices, ensuring sustainability and cultural relevance in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Yupanqui-Valente, V. H. ., Álvarez-Ochoa, R. I. ., & Chiliquinga-Mazaquiza, R. (2025). Genially as a didactic strategy for teaching the Kichwa language. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 8(1), 304-315.