The training of teachers in the sexual education of school children with intellectual disabilities


  • Daniela López Montes de Oca Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a
  • Maylé Contrera Betarte Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba. Autor/a



Sexual education, students with intellectual disability, educational preparation


The sexual education is an inseparable part of the personality that has turned into object of attention on the part of different organizations of world, regional and national character, depending on the integral education of the population and into that the school like social institution plays a determinant paper inside the system of educational influences. The investigation Jose Rafael Siverio was realized in the special school in Cienfuegos’s municipality where there applied different methods to themselves theoretically (historical - logical, analytical - synthetic, inductive - deductive), and empirical (analysis of documents, interview, surveys and guide of observation) that corroborated the need to promote the teachers’ formation in the students’ sexual education with intellectual disability. The same one has as aim socialize the results of the diagnosis of the teachers as for the sexual education of the students with intellectual disability. The sample is shaped by 8 teachers who give classes in the group of 6to degree. The investigation allows that later studies should be realized where a solid preparation is offered to them to the teachers by a major knowledge, this way to help to eradicate the problematic existing ones in the school institution. 


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How to Cite

López Montes de Oca, D. ., & Contrera Betarte, M. . (2018). The training of teachers in the sexual education of school children with intellectual disabilities. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(1), 50-55.