Pedagogical strategies for the inclusion of students with special educational needs




Curricular adaptations, educational needs, higher education, university teachers


Educational inclusion in the university environment is a fundamental process to ensure equal opportunities and comprehensive development, as established by the regulatory precepts, towards a quality, equitable and fair education, which guarantees access, participation and learning of students with special educational needs aligned or not to a disability. It is aimed at contributing to the Fourth Sustainable Development Goal of the 2030 Agenda. With this background, the present work determines the pedagogical strategies that favor the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the university environment. The methodology applied addressed a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory approach, oriented to the identification and analysis of the objects of study. For data collection, an online survey was conducted, which was randomly directed to teachers at the Quevedo State Technical University (UTEQ). Among the main results, the importance of continuous teacher training on the theoretical and practical mastery of SEN, strategies and actions to implement curricular adaptations as essential elements for effective inclusion is highlighted. International models and good practices are analyzed, and a comprehensive vision that includes inclusive policies, psychosocial support and inter-institutional collaboration is promoted.


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How to Cite

Lucio-Mendoza, E. ., & Cárdenas-Zea, M. . (2024). Pedagogical strategies for the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(S2), 122-133.