Integration of the QFD method and the Kano Model in the design of social housing




Social housing, Quality Function Deployment, Kano Model, integration of the QFD method


Integrating QFD with the Kano model can provide a valuable approach to identifying and prioritizing customer needs, ensuring that these needs are translated into technical design specifications and that the technical characteristics contribute significantly to meeting customer needs. This article explores what the QFD method is and how it can play a critical role in aligning design features with client expectations, ensuring that projects are not only technically feasible, but also desirable and satisfactory to end users. It also addresses what the Kano Model is and how it can provide an additional and complementary perspective when identifying, categorizing, and prioritizing customer needs, helping specialists focus on those characteristics that will have the greatest impact on user satisfaction. . Finally, it analyzes how the integration of the QFD method and the Kano Model can contribute to the creation of more functional, comfortable and appropriate homes for low-income communities in Ecuador, offering a proposal on how to integrate both tools in the design of homes. VIS taking into account the Ecuadorian regulations of its design and construction.


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How to Cite

Abad-Peña, G. ., Hechavarría-Hernández, J. R. ., Soto-Vera, G. S. ., & Rivadeneira Rodríguez, M. V. . (2024). Integration of the QFD method and the Kano Model in the design of social housing. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(S2), 47-53.