Methodological guide for teaching quadratic equations based on collaborative work




Teaching mathematics, logical thinking, curricular units, pedagogical strategies, evaluation of educational proposals


The discipline of mathematics plays a vital role in fostering logical thinking among students, establishing substantial connections with their daily experiences. Throughout the work experience at the Private Educational Unit of Quito, located in the province of Pichincha, and during the practice carried out at the IPU "Capitán Roberto Rodríguez Fernández" in Santa Clara, difficulties were identified in the consolidation of mathematical contents by part of first-year high school students, particularly in solving quadratic equations. The objective of the research was to propose mathematical exercises that facilitate the consolidation of these units. To address these difficulties, a collaborative learning approach was implemented that integrated various resources, such as programs, software and mathematical assistants, including Geogebra. These media played a significant role in the consolidation of specific concepts, propositions and procedures corresponding to the level and grade mentioned. The evaluation of the proposal was carried out based on the criteria of specialists, who considered it necessary, relevant, applicable and in accordance with the current demands of higher secondary education. With the implementation of this proposal, it is expected to demonstrate greater development of skills and the successful consolidation of content in the initial units of the first year of high school.


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How to Cite

Rivero-Juviel, I. . (2024). Methodological guide for teaching quadratic equations based on collaborative work. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 126-135.