Web system for the creation of class schedules at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador





Web system, schedules, functional requirements, non-functional requirements


The research focused on the development of a web system for creating class schedules for the Metropolitan University of Ecuador-UMET. To do this, first, the functional and non-functional requirements of the system will be determined, to subsequently proceed with its development and finally carry out its quality validation. The methodology was framed in a quantitative approach, descriptive level, non-experimental-cross-sectional design and type of field research. The population and sample consisted of 13 career directors and three (3) experts in the software area. The data collection technique used was the survey, and as instruments two questionnaires that made it possible to identify, firstly, the requirements for the operation of the software and consisted of 16 questions, and secondly, the evaluation of the quality of the web system that was constituted. for 10 questions, both with a dichotomous response scale (Yes/No). The validation was carried out based on the judgment of three (3) experts and the reliability was determined for both questionnaires by the Kuder Richardson coefficient (KR-20), yielding values ​​of 0.974 and 0.741 respectively, reflecting good reliability. 7 (seven) functional requirements and 9 (nine) non-functional requirements were obtained, which allowed the development of the web system concatenated with the real needs, obtaining an efficient and robust system whose quality was evaluated by experts. The system obtained made it possible to automate the process, reducing the workload and time used to create class schedules.


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How to Cite

de la Rosa-Martín, T., & León-González, J. L. . (2024). Web system for the creation of class schedules at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(Suplemento 1), 38-48. https://doi.org/10.62452/8a15ce53