Hygienical food handling competences in Portoviejo Central Market Food handlers





Local development, tourism, food safety, gastronomy


Urban markets serve various functions, including being a focal point for culinary tourism. The recently inaugurated Plaza Central Market in Portoviejo, Ecuador is in a position where strategies can be designed and implemented to strengthen its role as a catalyst for culinary tourism in Ecuador. Competencies in food hygiene among the market's food preparers were assessed through questionnaires measuring knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The majority of food preparers in the market are female, with an average age of fifty-six years and predominantly primary and secondary education. Knowledge (68%) and attitudes (65%) demonstrate a good level of competency, with an excellent level of competency in attitudes (85%). There were identified areas that require reinforcement in terms of cross-contamination and sanitation, as well as a need for training in time and temperature control and food pathogens. It is also recommended to make adaptations to the training programs.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Le-Fort, M. ., & Duarte-Casar, R. . (2024). Hygienical food handling competences in Portoviejo Central Market Food handlers. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 244-255. https://doi.org/10.62452/65m4vz22