Effect of beneficial microorganisms on growth and development of soybean cultivation





Microorganisms, soybean, effect, morphological


Nowadays, beneficial microorganisms such as Trichoderma harzianum and Beauveria bassiana are widely used in agriculture, due to the benefits they can provide. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of beneficial microorganisms on the morphological parameters of the soybean crop (Glycine max (L.) Merril, El Oro, Ecuador. A latin square design was executed in which the study factor microorganisms was manipulated, where the treatments were divided into: T. harzianum (T1), B. bassiana (T2), Trichoderma + Beauveria (T4) and control (T4), replicated four times, forming 16 experimental units, with a dimension of 3 m x 2 m and in each treatment the application of the different microorganisms will be carried out, having also a control treatment, which will serve as a reference to see the different reactions and behaviours that the crop can have, in turn, in each unit there are a total of 25 plants that are established with a “staggered” planting system, of which only the plants in the centre will be evaluated, leaving the plants on the sides as a border effect, and morphological variables were also evaluated. The results showed that in the Trichoderma + Beauveria treatment, a greater effect of the microorganisms on the variables studied was observed. It was concluded that these joint effects demonstrate a beneficial synergy of these microorganisms in the healthy development of soybean plants.


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How to Cite

Cujano-Alcivar, M. E. ., González-Vega, W. S. ., Luna-Romero, Ángel E. ., & Rodríguez-Delgado, I. . (2024). Effect of beneficial microorganisms on growth and development of soybean cultivation. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(1), 225-235. https://doi.org/10.62452/jccyc931