The pedagogical leadership of the director and its influence on educational practices in the context of the Nueva Escuela Mexicana
Pedagogical leadership, New Mexican School (NEM), teaching and learning, school managementAbstract
The present study is focused on the leadership of the director and its influence on the approach to educational practices in the New Mexican School, and its purpose is to establish the relationship between the pedagogical leadership of the director and the performance of the teachers, which is why which was investigated in different pedagogical magazines and educational books, where it will point out the characteristics that good school management should have as well as the importance of pedagogical leadership that transforms the educational practices of teachers, it is worth recognizing the importance of a good leader. school as well as the impact it represents for the community itself. It is important to recognize that educational management must focus now more than ever on the pedagogical field and thereby reach the optimal levels that the New Mexican School demands. It is essential to achieve the transformations that today's society demands, its demands become greater. When a teaching group does not have good pedagogical leadership, therefore the need for us as individuals to be able to innovate, to relearn in a complex and difficult context, it is necessary not to forget that we must remain constantly trained and that what is required For children, the New Mexican School is about returning to our origins and starting from there, from their context, what they know and what they identify with and, once the children feel part of all this, placing them in national and international environments. and global, that is the glocal approach, knowing that they are part of a whole and that everything is united, that is why the importance of working in projects, from there comes the importance of the new free textbooks, we cannot continue working by subjects , since we are part of a whole and as such that is how learning should be.
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