Drunkenness as an aggravating factor in traffic crimes in Ecuador: a comprehensive analysis
Aggravating circumstance, crimes, trafficAbstract
For years now, within the traffic system, there has been a considerable rate of traffic accidents within our country, which have resulted in injuries and even death, and a large percentage of these have been due to being in a state of intoxication. as demonstrated by the file of Traffic accidents of the last months corresponding to this year, where driving under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances and/or medications, is one of the most common causes of Traffic accidents. Thus, this article presents a proposal for reform to the aforementioned article where one of the aggravating factors in addition to those already described is that of someone who causes an accident under the influence of alcohol, for which, we will focus on proven results, reliable investigations, surveys and others, to corroborate the need that causing an accident while intoxicated does not go unpunished and that both the victims and the owners and drivers of the affected vehicles are fully repaired, and thus be able to put an end to the problems that have been currently occurring within the Judicial system and within society as such, resolving the gaps that have been discovered through both judicial practice and all the authorities that make up the procedure to be followed in Traffic Crimes.
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