Irregular migration of vulnerable groups to Ecuador: a breach of human rights
Vulnerability, vulnerable groups, migration, children, pregnant women, violenceAbstract
The reasons behind the irregular migration of children and pregnant women are diverse and complex, but political instability, violence, and poverty in their home countries stand out. Due to its geographical location and relatively flexible migration policies, Ecuador has become a transit and destination point for many vulnerable migrants. Children embarking on this perilous journey face countless risks, including exploitation, trafficking, and abuse. It is crucial to implement policies that safeguard their rights and well-being, while also providing access to essential services such as education and healthcare. Pregnant women also confront a delicate situation, as the journey can jeopardize their health and that of their babies. The lack of adequate healthcare access during the journey and in the destination, country exacerbates their vulnerabilities. Addressing this issue demands a comprehensive and coordinated response involving the governments of origin, transit, and destination countries. Establishing specific protection and assistance measures for the most vulnerable groups is essential, ensuring their human rights are upheld and offering opportunities for a dignified and secure life.
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