Some preliminars on the socioeconomic factors that determine the acceptance of higher distance education




Distance education, higher education, baccalaureate graduates


The article analyzes the development and acceptance of distance education to face the challenges of coverage, construction, financing and quality of educational services, from the point of view of those who demand higher education, which is the baccalaureate graduate. To achieve this purpose, a data collection and survey instrument was applied to baccalaureate students, close to graduating from high school, from whom the necessary information was obtained to know their profile and the relationship that is presented with this modality. Once the information was processed and analyzed, the socio-economic factors that influence the acceptance of distance education, for the continuity of higher education, of high school graduates from the municipality of Tenango de Doria were determined.


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How to Cite

Ávila Vargas, S. ., & Cáceres Mesa, M. L. . (2019). Some preliminars on the socioeconomic factors that determine the acceptance of higher distance education. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 2(1), 103-112.