Links and university research, as an intervention strategy for rural development, case study Aloasi




Research, linkage, development, rural, life strategies


This publication is the product of the intervention of a Higher Education Institution (IES), in the rural parish of Aloasí, through two substantive functions of higher education; In the first place, the research function, with the aim of demonstrating that it can serve as an intervention strategy in the search to identify problems and real needs of the territory, in addition to the generation and enhancement of scientific and ancestral knowledge typical of rural areas; Secondly, the function of linking with society, generating intervention proposals for the improvement and maintenance of own productive learning spaces that contribute to the endogenous development of the parish, through the exchange of skills and knowledge that guarantee the construction of effective responses. to the needs identified in the territory by the investigative process.


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How to Cite

Guerra-Maldonado, C. P. ., Razo-Cajas, E. F. ., & Fuentes-Játiva, L. K. . (2023). Links and university research, as an intervention strategy for rural development, case study Aloasi. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 2), 162-171.