Child labor and its impact on the academic performance of children and adolescents in the Guaranda Canton, Bolívar province, 2021-2022




Social problem, performance, vulnerability


Child labor is one of the social problems that cannot be completely eradicated, despite the efforts of the State to create public policies for its mitigation. However, there are vulnerable sectors such as the Guaranda canton, where it has not been possible to completely eradicate this social problem, especially when 46.99% are considered indigenous and, being in the countryside under situations of vulnerability, children and adolescents end up dropping out of school. The objective of this research was to analyze how child labor affects the academic performance of children and adolescents of Guaranda canton, during the school year 2021-2022, through descriptive, deductive and mixed research method, it has been possible to establish that child labor has a negative impact on the proper social and integral development of children and adolescents, affecting their rights; As a result, 8% of them have dropped out of school, and it is clear that children and adolescents are forced to contribute at home, and that their parents are responsible for their care and not the other way around.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Guano, R. M. ., Cañizares-Medina, A. E. ., & Valle-Franco, A. . (2023). Child labor and its impact on the academic performance of children and adolescents in the Guaranda Canton, Bolívar province, 2021-2022. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 2), 119-126.