Aspects that intervene in the low academic performance and family dysfunctionality of the students in 4th – 5th semesters of the Health Promotion career of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo




Family, education, academic performance, discrimination, family environment


Family dysfunction can have a significant impact on the academic performance of students of the Health Promotion Career, without a doubt; emotional and financial support, domestic violence, substance abuse and other family problems can influence students and therefore their studies causing disinterest in education; therefore, the research proposed as an objective to determine the incidence of family dysfunction and its impact on low academic performance in the period April - August 2022. A descriptive and transversal approach was used as methodology, without experimentation, with a sample of 60 students, to collect data, the survey was used as a technique, through the questionnaire instrument in the Google Forms platform, promoting the participation of parents, students and teachers; the results showed that 60% of the students have a good communication and relationship with their parents, the same that in a cross of variables, highlights that 100% of the students have good academic performance, while 40% argue a poor or no relationship with their family, which affects low academic performance. In conclusion, it was determined that most of the interviewees have a good academic performance, however, a significant percentage have low academic performance, they also indicate poor communication at home, there is not an adequate family environment, they come from dysfunctional families, they indicate that they have suffered verbal and psychological mistreatment.


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How to Cite

Usca-Carrillo, J. E. ., Cañizares-Medina, A. E. ., & Fernández-Aucapiña, N. Y. . (2023). Aspects that intervene in the low academic performance and family dysfunctionality of the students in 4th – 5th semesters of the Health Promotion career of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 171-178.