The formation of mediators in Ecuador and the gender perspective




Conflicts, stereotypes, gender, mediation, gender perspective


This article is intended to thoroughly analyze the gender perspective as a relevant aspect with regard to both the training of mediators and the mediation process in Ecuador. Based on research with a qualitative approach, in light of a documentary, logical-historical and exegetical review, this research paper also proposes creative conflict transformation in terms of restorative justice so as to promote a change in the social paradigm, based upon the search for new ways to build agreements that overcome gender stereotypes. This research article concludes by stating the fact that it is the responsibility of those who carry out the mediation process and the training of future mediators to instruct them in the use of the appropriate techniques and tools, so that this process is carried out with equality and equity, by putting aside stereotypes, to achieve peace processes that are more inclusive and effective in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Maldonado-Changoluisa, S. N. ., & Gamboa-Vargas, S. L. . (2023). The formation of mediators in Ecuador and the gender perspective. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 140-149.