Contributions of environmental management to social responsibility and business competitiveness




Competitiveness, company, environmental management, social responsibility, sustainability


The practices related to environmental management applied by companies contribute to reducing the negative environmental impacts that are generated by their activities and operations, therefore providing a contribution to business sustainability. The integration of environmental management contributes to compliance with social responsibility, and directly to increasing in the competitiveness of companies. The objective was to study the contribution of environmental management to social responsibility and in their competitiveness of companies. Methodologically the research was approached using a qualitative, documentary type approach, with the application of the inductive method and the technique used were content analysis. The results show that environmental management and corporate social responsibility are interrelated and mutually reinforcing concepts, since companies that integrate environmental management into their policies and practices are demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and contributing to building a brighter future balanced and responsible from the social and environmental point of view. Similarly, environmental management and business competitiveness are closely related and can influence each other, because it is now increasingly recognized that effective environmental management can provide significant competitive advantages to companies.


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How to Cite

González-Ordóñez, A. I. . (2023). Contributions of environmental management to social responsibility and business competitiveness. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 91-97.