Inverted classroom to teach and learn the list concept in PROLOG
Flipped classroom, teaching list, PROLOGAbstract
Inverted classroom or flipped classroom is a pedagogical model that applies Information and Communication
Technologies and inverts the activities that are traditionally
carried out in classes, with the activities that students carry
out outside the classroom. The objective of this work was
to implement and evaluate this model by teaching complex contents of the declarative programming language
PROLOG, a theme of the Artificial Intelligence subject of
careers related to Computer Science. The list concept in
PROLOG was selected to teach, so that students in their
study time would analyze new content and then in the
classroom, with their teacher and the rest of the students,
they would face the solution of exercises. Two experiments
were carried out for this study. The first was carried out
with 27 students of the subject Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence of the 2nd Year of Computer Engineering at
the “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas, Cuba,
in the 2020-2021 academic year. The second was held in
June 2019 with 9 students enrolled in Artificial Intelligence
from the 47th academic period of Systems Engineering,
at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador. In both cases, a
satisfaction survey was carried out on the students regarding the methodology used and its impact on the learning
results of the students was evaluated, verifying that they
accept the methodology and that the majority improve their
academic performance.
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