Formal and non-formal education in Mexico: a comparative analysis and prospects for improvement




Formal context, non-formal context, informal context, learning, education, challenges, advantages


The essay addresses the issue of formal and non-formal education in Mexico, examines the importance of both types of education in the country, highlighting their characteristics, differences and contributions to social and economic development. Through the methodology based on the bibliographic review, relevant data are analyzed to understand the current situation of the educational system in Mexico and the opportunities offered by non-formal education to complete formal education. In development, the challenges and advantages of each type of education are described and their influence on the individual and collective is examined. The findings summarize key findings and highlight the need for closer integration between the two types of education to drive growth and progress in the country.


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How to Cite

Chargoy-Espinoza, M. . (2023). Formal and non-formal education in Mexico: a comparative analysis and prospects for improvement. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 19-24.