Dance and the formation process in Colombia




School, politics, culture, dance, transformation, society


The essay addresses the role of dance in the formative process. The teaching of these contents in the school curriculum has the sole purpose, that more than being seen as a discipline in the artistic field, it becomes a strategy for comprehensive training, thought of students, and that it also becomes a support tool. for the formal process and compliance with the academic completion. This analysis is raised with young people from Public Education Institutions; aimed at knowing the concept of training from the cultural point of view, seeking to gather their concerns, thinking about the construction of subjects that contribute, that take ownership of the organizational processes and get involved in social transformation, at a time when society becomes debate in the midst of violence and the high concentration of capital, which gives rise to high levels of inequality, mainly affecting young people and considerably reducing their chances of a favorable future.


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How to Cite

Ibarra-Eraso, A. L. . (2023). Dance and the formation process in Colombia. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 12-18.