Management of natural resources through the analysis of the tourism and mining sector to achieve ecological balance and sustainability in the province of El Oro




Natural resources, sustainability, ecological balance


The article makes an analysis of the tourism and mining sectors of the "El Oro" province and the management of natural resources can improve the ecological balance and sustainability in the region. The text demonstrates that in order to meet the needs of present and future generations, the importance of a harmonious relationship between the elements of social, political and environmental sustainability is highlighted. The tourist area of El Oro in Ecuador has unique natural resources: its beaches, mangroves, mountains and nature reserves, lovers of nature and ecotourism will find unforgettable experiences. The importance of a harmonious relationship between the elements of social, political and environmental sustainability is highlighted to meet the needs of present and future generations. Ecuador has great natural wealth, especially fresh water, which is considered one of the most abundant in the world, but the lack of knowledge and appreciation of these can lead to poor management and a negative impact on the environment and the economy. Mineral resources related to the gold industry in Ecuador were analyzed, examining their relevance, environmental effects and future prospects. Measures are proposed to promote sustainable tourism and the challenges facing the management of natural resources in the region are mentioned, in order to achieve a sustainable and balanced development in the province.


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How to Cite

Burgo-Bencomo, O. B. . (2023). Management of natural resources through the analysis of the tourism and mining sector to achieve ecological balance and sustainability in the province of El Oro. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(3), 6-11.