Aesthetic Education and Artistic Education. The Aesthetic Artistic Competition in the formation of the Education professional




Aesthetic Education, Artistic Education, comprehensive training, professional training, aesthetic values


In the article that is presented, an analysis of Aesthetics is carried out from the perspective of humanism, as well as the importance of Aesthetic Education and Artistic Education in the process of integral, axiological, creative, sensitive and humanistic formation of the students, which, without a doubt, constitute social demands and adjustments that today are imposed on the current educational systems. The Aesthetic Artistic professional competence is presented as a necessity in the training of the education professional, since it is one that allows the direction of the process of formation of sensitivity and taste for the perception of aesthetic values ​​both in reality and in the arts, the development of the imagination and the creative attitude in its students, as well as the ability to understand, value and enjoy art in its various manifestations, in correspondence with the social aesthetic ideal.


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How to Cite

Montano-Rodríguez, F. ., & Fernández-Marín, M. Ángel . (2023). Aesthetic Education and Artistic Education. The Aesthetic Artistic Competition in the formation of the Education professional. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(2), 43-49.