Teacher's training for the education of the deaf schoolchildren





Language therapist teacher training, content, speech-special care, deaf school


The initial training of the language therapist teacher in Cuba undergoes profound transformations from the demands of inclusive education and the strengthening of language therapist in the pedagogical field. The review of pedagogical practice, within it, the training content for the care of disorders in communication and language, in a particular way in the pedagogical field. For speech intervention with deaf schoolchildren, it identified a group of dissatisfactions that require their approach theoretical and methodological. For these reasons, the study aims to: analyze the essential ideas on which the training content of the language therapist teacher is defined, comprehensive speech care to deaf schoolchildren, depending on the achievement of communication. Changes made to the discipline language therapist and its application in the group of students who take the 4th year of the career offer evidence of their relevance.


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How to Cite

Torres-Maceo, D. ., Calzadilla-González, O. ., & Labrada-Pérez, M. . (2023). Teacher’s training for the education of the deaf schoolchildren. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(Suplemento 1), 48-56. https://doi.org/10.62452/53gfef29