Cooperative learning and its relationship with factors of the teaching-learning process in university students




Cooperative learning, factors, teaching process


The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between cooperative learning and the factors of the teaching-learning process in the students of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sport career of the Faculty of Physical Culture at the Central University of Ecuador, academic period 2021-2022. The dimensions considered in the cooperative learning variable are basic elements and techniques, while in the variable factors of the teaching-learning process are considered: cognitive, affective and social factors. The research is descriptive-correlational in nature. A survey was applied to 133 students divided proportionally according to the semester. The results show that there is a high positive correlation between the independent variable and the dependent variable, so it is concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and the researcher's hypothesis that there is a relationship between cooperative learning and the factors of the teaching-learning process that favor the development of knowledge, promote interpersonal relationships, strengthen intrapersonal skills, necessary to obtain meaningful learning and exclude education with traditional funds is accepted.


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How to Cite

Goñi-Saldaña, V. A. ., Cáceres-Santacruz, N. A. ., & Cáceres-Santacruz, R. . (2023). Cooperative learning and its relationship with factors of the teaching-learning process in university students. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 246-253.