Abandonment of cases due to the difficulty of proposing a new lawsuit in civil matters





Abandonment, new claim, legal certainty, effective protection


Ecuadorian legislation has been subject to much-needed reforms to regulate procedures and adapt them to a modern oral procedural system. From this evolution, comes the abandonment of causes and the legal effects inherent to its institution. Abandonment is considered a procedural sanction for the plaintiff, whose purpose is to protect the right to defense. This investigation requires a detailed treatment at the time of its application since, by preventing the right to propose a new claim by the same procedure and the same claims, constitutional principles such as: legal certainty, effective protection, equality of rights, access to justice, among others. The proposed general objective is: Analyze the impact generated by the abandonment of causes and the difficulty in proposing a new demand in light of the General Organic Code of Processes. Entering at a theoretical level, this research is historical-logical and analytical-synthetic, due to its descriptive study it was necessary to resort to bibliographical and documentary research with a qualitative approach to respond to the problem posed. With the results obtained, the need for a reform of the procedural norm is raised in order to avoid the transgression of rights.


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How to Cite

Pico-Acosta, H. I. ., & Morales-Navarrete, M. A. . (2023). Abandonment of cases due to the difficulty of proposing a new lawsuit in civil matters. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 159-167. https://doi.org/10.62452/9df9cb25