Strategic analysis with prospective approach of the Genpharma Corporation




Strategic analysis, prospective, strategic projection


The objective of the research is to strategically analyze with a prospective approach the Genpharma Corporation, through an expert method, using prospective tools, to project the current situation with its variables and main actors to conclude in the most optimal scenario that leads to a better take of decisions and the activation of the implicit social actors in this task. The state of the art related to the theoretical observations of the strategic analysis is presented, the prospective approach and its main regularities and particularities, as well as the most widespread methodologies in the world. Theoretical and empirical methods were used; together with the documentary review and the use of tools, such as the Godet box of strategic foresight and the strategic analysis of the environment with the SWOT matrix. All allowed to conclude on the strategic hypotheses of the company under study.


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How to Cite

Navarro-Mosquera, N. ., González-Capote, D. ., & Soler-González, R. H. . (2023). Strategic analysis with prospective approach of the Genpharma Corporation. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 6(1), 140-151.