The role of the state against forced disappearances of people in Ecuador
Enforced disappearance, crime, rights, state responsibilityAbstract
The forced disappearance of people violates a series of rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration and the International Covenants on Human Rights and other important instruments of international humanitarian law. Between 1984 and 2008, around 456 victims suffered serious human rights violations and crimes against humanity in Ecuador, according to the report made by the Truth Commission, 17 people were registered as victims of forced disappearance, of which 13 of them his whereabouts are unknown to this day. This article aims to critically review the role, parameters and actions that the State must carry out in the face of the crime of forced disappearance of persons, analyzing the meaning of this crime and establishing its own characteristics; for which a qualitative study was carried out applying the method of hermeneutics for the interpretation of bibliographic texts.
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