Difficulties that the teacher faces at a higher level in a Post-Covid-19 pandemic society





Pandemic, higher level, basic skills


The article analyzes the difficulties faced by a teacher at a higher level, who as a result of the two years that the COVID_19 pandemic has lasted, has seen the need to modify his teaching practice, which has been found with an educational lag. in basic skills, which are essential for the development of professional practice in all areas. The present gives an overview of the teacher's experiences, their practice and the need to seek both strategies and the support of the administrative part to be able to continue with their objectives. The importance of socialization is reflected when returning to the classroom and seeing this decline, as well as limited by all the aspects experienced during the time of confinement and a virtual education, which in turn we saw limited and to a certain extent overestimated by the student and the teacher.


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How to Cite

Pelcastre González, C. ., & García Robelo, O. . (2022). Difficulties that the teacher faces at a higher level in a Post-Covid-19 pandemic society. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 223-228. https://doi.org/10.62452/p0rn9v89