Study of connection with the collectivity of dentistry of the Catholic University Of Cuenca




Link with society, market research, dentistry


Linking with the community is one of the institutional strengths of social transformation and practical learning for future professionals who are trained in the career of dentistry, for this we intend to determine the target market to which the dental services of the Catholic University of Cuenca can be oriented, identifying the most unprotected groups and lower middle economic status that cannot access dental services because of their poverty, For this purpose, a qualitative methodology will be used, with a descriptive approach, because it will determine the areas or sectors of the canton of Cuenca that need dental intervention in different specialties, the market study allowed to identify the most important requirements that the identified population needs, these are education in dental health, prophylaxis and in greater percentage dental surgery among other needs. The market study is a type of research or tool used to guarantee or optimize the decision-making process and to envision the outlook of the dental career in terms of pre-professional practices and community service, creating a permanent link between the university and society.


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How to Cite

Vintimilla Coronel, S. E. ., & Vasquez Erazo, E. J. . (2022). Study of connection with the collectivity of dentistry of the Catholic University Of Cuenca. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 214-222.