The Law degree, face-to-face modality of the Metropolitan University, Guayaquil Headquarters: justification of the curricular structure within the framework of the resizing of the academic offer
Law degree, curricular design, in-person modalityAbstract
Curriculum design is a specialized job that demands expertise and application of regulations, quality standards and monitoring of trends, as guarantees of relevance, relevance and impact of the academic offer. Once the post-pandemic stage began, uncertainty arose at the Metropolitan University in addressing the trends in career study modalities, which demanded a study in context, applying appropriate and reliable methods to determine each scenario based on the particularities of each field of knowledge. In the case of the Law degree, the background of the previous curriculum, infrastructure, level of enrollment, demand, relevance and offer at the national level was analyzed, which led to the presentation of a new degree design in person modality approved by the Council of Higher Education in 2023. This article presents the justification of the curricular structure of the new academic offer corresponding to the Law degree, in-person modality at the Guayaquil Headquarters of the Metropolitan University.
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