Artificial intelligence and applicability in the administration of justice: advances, challenges and points of view




Administration, artificial intelligence, justice, law, principles, procedural


The integration of AI in the legal field has generated an impact on the administration of justice, its influence on society and its potential to improve efficiency and access to justice. This study evaluates the feasibility and convenience of implementing AI systems in the administration of justice through a doctrinal and legal analysis, considering the potential of AI to optimize judicial processes and its implications in terms of legal certainty and procedural economy. The intersection of AI with law is examined, adopting notions of coding, algorithms and the adoption of Legal Expert Systems. The objective is to present an alternative to address saturation in the justice system, respecting the principles of legality and procedural economy. A qualitative bibliographic methodology is used to analyze the perspective of AI as a tool to reduce times and costs associated with judicial processes, concluding that its balanced and ethically responsible implementation could bring significant benefits, which requires a weighing of regulatory and ethical aspects to guarantee the respect for constitutional guarantees and avoid consequences, thus highlighting the growing relevance of AI in the legal field and its influence on the administration of justice.


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How to Cite

Santamaría-Jerez, B. A. ., & Bermúdez-Santana, D. M. . (2024). Artificial intelligence and applicability in the administration of justice: advances, challenges and points of view. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(2), 241-251.