Mediation and the feasibility of aplication in contraventional processes of violence against women and members of the family nucleus in Ecuador




Mediation, criminal contravention, conflict resolution, problems, domestic violence


The Ecuadorian State maintains a legal system with a guarantees tint, which is why it protects the constitutional rights of the legal subjects that inhabit it. However, the Ecuadorian culture itself has been responsible for establishing inequalities, putting women in a situation of vulnerability, causing gender violence that, currently in Ecuador, has increased drastically. Through this research, we seek to analyze the way in which mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution can help women who are victims of violence without having to exhaust judicial instances, which on many occasions becomes ineffective due to the very nature of these. criminal infractions, as well as due to the procedural congestion that exists within the Judicial Units Against Violence against Women and Members of the Family Nucleus. Through a qualitative research approach, which will allow observing the object of study to determine if it is appropriate and above all the feasibility of mediation as a tool for contravention procedures of violence against women or members of the family nucleus, in order to counteract this conflict quickly and effectively.


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How to Cite

Barragán-García, J. G. ., & Guailla-Naula, S. C. . (2024). Mediation and the feasibility of aplication in contraventional processes of violence against women and members of the family nucleus in Ecuador. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(2), 211-219.