Automated system for the control of the substantive processes of linkage with society of the information systems engineering career at the UMET




System, automation, control, connection with society


The following research presents a system to optimize the control of the processes of Linkage with society within the Information Systems Engineering career at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador (UMET). Currently, the management of students' academic information is affected by the dispersion of data in printed documents, which makes access and a prompt response to the information requirements formulated in the different processes difficult. Currently, career procedures are carried out manually, which leads to the loss of documents and the possibility that coordinators forget to provide answers about the current status of the processes that students are carrying out. The proposed system seeks to mitigate these problems, providing support to both the process coordinator and the student. The system makes it easier for the coordinator to keep precise control of which students are immersed in each process and in what phase they are. Additionally, it allows you to approve or reject the documentation associated with the process, ensuring that it is completed correctly. This procedure is essential so that the coordinator can approve the process and the student obtains a certificate that validates their participation in said activity, essential for their degree. In addition, the system offers students the possibility of enrolling in any of the available processes and completing them efficiently. All the documentation necessary to carry out the process in which you register will be available in the system, thus facilitating your participation and contributing to a more fluid and efficient experience.


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How to Cite

de la Rosa-Martín, T. ., & Brito-Vallina, M. L. . (2024). Automated system for the control of the substantive processes of linkage with society of the information systems engineering career at the UMET. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(2), 182-191.