Teaching mathematics from the competency-based approach and student learning styles. Systematic review





Learning, competency-based education, mathematics, metacognition


The competency-based approach in teaching mathematics is increasingly relevant, developing practical skills for daily and work life. This systematic review analyzes how students' learning styles affect their performance in mathematics and explores effective teaching strategies to develop mathematical competencies. Articles from the last ten years from databases such as ERIC, Web of Science Core Collection, Google Scholar and Scielo were used. Of 401 articles identified, 15 were selected. In 4 of them, competency-based mathematics teaching is defended. The importance of learning styles was addressed in 9 articles. In 2 of them, learning style was not related to students' performance in mathematics, while in 6 this association was found. In 5 articles, the role of metacognition in mathematics learning and its relationship with academic success was addressed. It is concluded that each student has a unique learning style and it is important to adapt mathematics teaching to address this diversity. Competency-based mathematics teaching appears to be a strategy with favorable results.


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How to Cite

Mariñez-Báez, J. J. . (2024). Teaching mathematics from the competency-based approach and student learning styles. Systematic review. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 7(2), 142-154. https://doi.org/10.62452/89633795