Process focused on improving productivity for Mipymes. Case study: Esponce Poultry FARM




Productivity, strategic marketing, poultry industry


The poultry industry has converted to the generator and source of employment in our country agriculture because, not only links the production of poultry and eggs but involves a whole production chain that involves the development of raw materials, import of genetic material production itself of birds, and the marketing of products among others. In our country poultry production occurs in all regions except in the island. Chicken meat has become in the last decade the greatest demand for food for families in Ecuador due to its high nutritional value and low price relative to other types of meat, reaching five times the amount of consumption population compared to a decade ago so much so that the total poultry production Ecuadorian covers one hundred percent of the local market demand, including arriving in recent years to export their products to other countries. A successful poultry enterprise is basically the ability and skills to produce and market the products by their administrators and becomes a business where the owners should be involved.


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How to Cite

Ortiz González, S. I. ., & Álvarez Gavilanes, J. E. . (2022). Process focused on improving productivity for Mipymes. Case study: Esponce Poultry FARM. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 88-97.