Research projects-action in the formation of the investigative competence in university students




Higher education, research projects - action research skills, initial training


The present article is aimed at making an approximation on the contribution of research - action projects in the training of research competence in university students since their initial formation. It addresses the theoretical foundations that underpin this research paradigm which responds to the current demands imposed by society as consequences of the development of information and communication technologies. It is for this reason that a strategy is proposed for the formation of the investigative competence of students from the development of the research projects - action, allowing not only to prioritize the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also, the Training of attitudes and the individual commitment that along with the knowledge and the skills allow to give satisfactory answers to their professional performance, with the purpose of giving solution to the investigative insufficiencies that today is manifested in the educative practice.


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How to Cite

García Álvarez, I. ., Batista Salvador, A., & Mena Campos, A. . (2022). Research projects-action in the formation of the investigative competence in university students. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(Suplemento 1), 6-12.