Emerging technologies in preschool and their impact on the post-confinement Covid-19 teaching and learning process





Preschool, hybrid modality, teaching competence


The COVID-19 confinement has generated the need for education to be carried out in a hybrid way. The hybrid modality has been presented at all school levels and the preschool level was not left out of this modality. Due to the above, it has been reviewed how the hybrid modality for the education of preschoolers has had an impact on their teaching and learning processes, taking care above all of the provisions of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) in its document Key Learnings and where it is stated that attending a quality preschool education positively influences their life and their performance during the first years of primary education by having positive effects on cognitive, emotional and social development, since the first five years of life are the fundamental basis since they form the basis for the development of intelligence, personality and social behavior.


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How to Cite

Cruz Peñafiel, P. ., González Farfán, E. ., Aguilar Martínez, J. R. ., & Manzano Martínez, J. A. . (2022). Emerging technologies in preschool and their impact on the post-confinement Covid-19 teaching and learning process. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 234-241. https://doi.org/10.62452/w7vczw86