Diagnosis on the environmental perception of students of the Metropolitan University of Ecuador
Environment, environmental perception, sustainable development, university studentsAbstract
The objective of this non-experimental research with a descriptive scope was to diagnose the environmental perception and knowledge on this subject of the students of various careers of the Metropolitan University of Ecuador. In order to support the importance of environmental training from all the subjects of the curriculum of the academic offer, not only with a vision oriented to the nature preservation and the protection of the environment, but also from the perspective of sustainable development. For it, a questionnaire was designed based on the bibliography and applied to a sample of 200 students. As a result, it was obtained that approximately 50% of the students consider that they have high-medium knowledge on environmental issues and this same amount expresses irritation on situations that deteriorate the environment. However, the other half is not aware of the situation and seriousness of the environmental problems of global society, neither the level of necessary environmental perception to induce them to change habits and values towards the protection and care of the environment, as an essential dimension for sustainable development.
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