The principles of action of the court in judicial corruption prevention




Principles, judicial corruption, judges


The principles in the field of the law have been put forward in defense of dissimilar theoretical positions and practices. The present article, is dedicated to the approach of the principles from a new perspective, the derivative of the performance of judges or judges in the performance of one of the most important functions of the State, the impart justice. Even though judicial corruption is a multicausal criminal phenomenon and it is not possible in these lines to cover the harmful effects that this represents to any social system, within the grounds that could cause or encourage her behavior is incorrect or improper performance of the judges. Hence, it is necessary that these people meet and enforce the laws on the basis of these basic principles to ensure the transparency of the judicial function. Regulations, statutes, codes that norm or regulate judicial activity should be governed by the principles that are here postulated, otherwise, there is a risk of corruption. This is intended to encourage through this article, the proper judicial action to contribute to the prevention of corruption in this sphere of social life.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Águila, M. R. ., Castellanos Fuentes, P. E. ., & Agnelli Faggioli, A. . (2018). The principles of action of the court in judicial corruption prevention. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 1(3), 72-81.