Women in the ecuadorian labor field





Labor history, women, labor participation, labor rights, pandemic


At different times in history, women have had a relevant participation in the workplace, have performed agricultural activities, textiles and work in factories; The woman at the beginning of the story was considered a weak being, she did not participate in politics, and despite her heavy work she received a lower salary. The objective of this research is to analyze the role of working women in Ecuador, their rights, and their protection within the legal system. The methodology implemented within the research is analytical-descriptive. It is based on the qualitative method, which allows to analyze and understand in depth the problem of the current situation of women in the labor field. At work, the crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has affected women more strongly, showing that the barriers for women are greater today than they used to be, even when in Latin America the reaction of several governments was to contain the effects of the crisis on income and employment, it was not possible to restore the labor balance of women.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Cabrera, E. G. ., & Gamboa Vargas, S. L. . (2022). Women in the ecuadorian labor field. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 88-96. https://doi.org/10.62452/gn613f33