The use of plastic arts by the family with children during the pandemic




Mental health, plastic arts, plastic techniques, family preparation, childhood children


In the present work, a nowadays priority for the health and the education is approached, because the plastic arts is an important way of communication of feelings, experiences and emotions of the human being, at the same time contributes to the mental health. It aims at designing activities oriented to prepare families for the application of techniques with children during the pandemic. Plastic arts facilitate the communication of de acquired experience, which adults are responsible for, mainly the relatives. A qualitative methodology is mainly used, from the use of theoretical methods like: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive; and from the empirical level the observation, survey to relatives of early childhood children that made it possible to obtain valuable information about the investigated topic, were applied. The diagnosis results were taken into account for designing the activities to be carried out by the families with the children, through different plastic techniques that enrich their vision of the world and his mental health.


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How to Cite

Quintana García, K. ., Vázquez López, D. ., & Comptes Pérez, Y. . (2022). The use of plastic arts by the family with children during the pandemic. Revista Metropolitana De Ciencias Aplicadas, 5(3), 24-29.