Educational innovation with ICT for critical thinking in students
Critical thinking, ICT, educational innovation, teacher, studentsAbstract
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an indispensable means for education; hence the management of contemporary learning assumes the technological component as an essential factor. In this sense, this article has the objective of analyzing the relationship between ICT and the critical thinking of students, for which a documentary analysis of scientific inquiry was carried out using the analytical-synthetic method and the inductive-deductive method. The results show that ICTs influence the development of critical thinking in students if it is organized as a training and didactic strategy that allows reflection and decision-making by the student in the teaching-learning process, hence it is concluded with the need for ICT management more contextualized to the training objectives and the skills to be developed in the classroom. This means awakening creativity in the pedagogical task, to transcend traditional aspects and incorporate new content and forms to an innovative and critical pedagogy, this materializes in an educational innovation in and from ICT that is achieved by sharing and building roles between students and teachers.
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